Transformers 2018. Transformers is a series of American science fiction action films based on the Transformers franchise which began in the 1980s Michael Bay has directed the first five films Transformers (2007) Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Dark of the Moon (2011) Age of Extinction (2014) and The Last Knight (2017) Box office $484 billionRelease date 2007–presentBudget $1107 billionDirected by (1–5) (6) (7).
Transformers Autobots Alliance Directed by Richard Sears With Charlie Adler Troy Baker Gregg Berger Peter Cullen The Autobots Alliance was formed on Earth by Optimus Prime and his Autobots to protect the human race from the Decepticons.
Here is the first Trailer for Bumblebee (Transformers) Video Duration 2 minViews 44MAuthor FilmSelect.
Transformers: Cyberverse (TV Series 2018–2021) IMDb
Transformers Cyberverse With Jeremy Levy Jake Foushee Sophia Isabella Ryan Andes The series focuses on the adventures of Bumblebee having damaged his memory chips he and Windblade must recover his missing memories in order to help him remember his mission on Earth Unfortunately the Decepticons are after their friends 69/10 (337)Actors Jeremy Levy Jake Foushee Sophia IsabellaContent Rating TVY7FV.
Transformers Bumblebee Movie Promo At Brand Licensing Europe Expo 2018 Transformers News Tfw2005
Transformers (film series) Wikipedia
Transformers Wikipedia
BUMBLEBEE Trailer (Transformers 2018) YouTube
In 2018Transformers Cyberverse debuted once again distinct from the previous incarnations Although initially a separate and competing franchise started in 1983 Tonka 's Gobots became the intellectual property of Hasbro after their buyout of Tonka in 1991 Book(s) Original work Created by Related franchises .