Pathway Stroke Hemoragik. Protocols and PathwaysStroke •Target Stroke Key Practice Strategies Strategy #4 Stroke tools •“A stroke toolkit containing clinical decision support strokespecific order sets guidelines hospitalspecific algorithms critical pathways NIH Stroke Scale and other stroke tools should be available and used for each patient”.
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(DOC) Pathway Stroke Hemoragic Galih Setiyo Adi
Pathway Stroke Hemoragic Galih Setiyo Adi Pathway dan Masalah Keperawatan Jaringan otak bergeser Membentuk Pembuluh arteri robek Hipertensi tertekan terdesak suatu massa (tekanan darah meningkat secara signifikan) Perdarahan jaringan otak Peningkatsn TIK gangguan fungsi otak Perubahan perfusi jaringan Hemisfer kiri Hemisfer kanan.
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Everything NICE has said on preventing diagnosing and managing stroke and transient ischaemic attack (TIA) in people over 16 in an interactive flowchart Stroke NICE Pathways AZ.
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Hipertensi PATHWAYSTROKE HEMORAGI Ruptur pembuluh darah serebral Hemoragik serebral Penambahan massa Edema Kompresi TIK ↑ Menekan jar otak Pada cerebelum Defisit motorik.
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Pathway Stroke Hemoragik PDF Scribd
Stroke NICE Pathways
Stroke Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Protocols and Pathways:
Pathway Stroke Hemoragik [9odnnq4yzjwy]
PATHWAY STROKE HEMORAGIK (Nur Ulfah sari) Aneurisme Hiperetensi Peningkatan Viskositas darah Adanya titik lemah dalam dinding arteri serebral Peningkatan Tekanan Intravaskuler Ruptur aneurisma PERDARAHAN ARAKHNOID Pembuluh darah Cerebral Pecah Hematoma Cerebral Peradrahan Subarakhnoid Perdarahan intra serebri (PIS) Suplai darah ke otak menurun.