Mahendra Motor Sport. Police said the van was being driven by Mahendra Thakor and the victims were travelling to Barwala for a temple visit from their village Ten others who were travelling in the van received minor injuries and were discharged from hospital after treatment “On a road stretch adjacent to Dev Ganesh complex in Dholka Mahendra tried to overtake a heavy vehicle in a.
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Kecelakaan sepeda motor terjadi di Kecamatan Parung Bogor pagi tadi Akibat kecelakaan itu dua orang meninggal dunia Korban berinisial S (37) meninggal di tempat Sedangkan korban berinisial.
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di Parung Bogor, Kecelakaan Sepeda Motor 2 Orang Tewas
10 injured as van collides with truck Gujarat: Five dead,
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